Academic Staff
Meet the Academic Staff

Revd Alex Frazer
Dean of Students and Assistant Lecturer in Theology
Revd Alex Frazer oversees all the Affairs of the Students at TEU. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Theology from George Whitefield College, South Africa, and is currently a Master's student in Theology at Uganda Christian University. He was a student at Bishop Gwynne College from 2014 to 2018, and an Assistant Lecturer from 2020 at the College and then the School of Theology, until becoming the Dean of Students Affairs in 2024.

Revd Elias Bonga
Assistant Chaplain
and Assistant Lecturer in Theology
Revd Elias Bonga is the Assistant Chaplain. His role is to support the University Chaplain in providing formational opportunities for students at TEU to develop in holistically. In particular he has a responsibility for leading and organizing Student Fellowship Groups that encourage mutual pastoral care and Christian character formation.

Revd Paul Issa Leye
University Chaplain and Lecturer in Theology
Revd Paul Issa Leye is the University Chaplain. His role is to provide opportunities to grow the spiritual life through community worship and providing counselling for staff and students undergoing trauma and stress. Revd Paul completed a Bachelor’s Degree at Nile Theological College in Khartoum and a Masters of Divinity in the Asian Center for Theological Studies in South Korea. He is currently a PhD candidate in Theology at Uganda Christian University. After working as a parish priest in Khartoum for 10 years, Paul became the Principal of Bishop Ngalamu Theological College before joining the Bishop Gwynne School of Theology, initially as Academic Registrar and then as University Chaplain.

Justice James Alala Deng
Dean of the School of Law
Justice James Alala Deng is the founding Dean of the School of Law. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLLB) and a Higher Diploma in Mass Communication from the University of Khartoum. He has a Masters of Law from the University of Juba, and a PhD in Law from Al Neelain University in Khartoum. He has lectured in law at various universities in Sudan and South Sudan and is the author of many law books and articles. He works with the Judiciary of South Sudan as a Judge of the Supreme Court of South Sudan.

Dr Barnaba Korina Lobeng Agira
Lecturer – Head of Department of Private Law
Dr Barnaba Korina Lobeng Agira has a Bachelor of Law (LLB), Masters of Law (LLM) and a PhD from Al Neelain University in Kahrtoum. He has lectured at Al Neelain University and is currently Deputy Dean and Assistant Professor of the School of Law at the University of Juba. He is an Advocate and Commissioner for Oaths for the Republic of South Sudan.

Dr. Stephen Warikozi Zakaria
Lecturer – Head of Department of Public Law
Dr. Stephen Warikozi Zakaria is head of Public Law. He and his other colleagues at the School of Law played a significant role in enabling TEU to be accredited as private university by the Ministry of Higher Education. He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Juba and lectures in other HE institutions in the country. Dr. Warikozi has Bachelor’s (LLB) and Masters (LLM) degrees from, Al Neelain University, Khartoum, and a PhD (LLD), in International Public Law from Alzhaiem Alazhari University, Khartoum.

Mr Nasir Peter M. Kamanda
Adjunct Registrar and Lecturer in Criminal Law
Mr Nasir Peter M. Kamanda is a graduate of the Sudan’s National Ribat University with LLB, MA in Police Science and Law, and Security Studies. He is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Juba. He teaches Criminal Law.

Revd Abraham Maker Akur Kou
Acting Dean of the Bishop Gwynne School of Theology and Lecturer in Theology
Revd Abraham Maker Akur Kou, oversees all the administrative and academic affairs of BGST. He has served the University since 2013 when it was still Bishop Gwynne College, as a librarian, and as a college registrar. When the College became the University’s School of Theology, Revd Abraham was appointed University Chaplain and became Dean two years later. Rev’d Abraham Maker has a first degree from School of Management, University of Juba, a Bachelor of Theology from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cairo, and a Master of Divinity in Theological Studies, from Africa International University, Kenya. He is currently a PhD candidate in Theology at Uganda Christian University.

Revd Philip Lomoro John Benjamin
Academic Registrar and Assistant Lecturer